Wednesday, June 15, 2011


A rainy day here at camp, we had morning practice from 8:45-12:15, lunch, open gym workout from 1:45-3:15, lots of naps, evening workout from 6:30-8:30, dodge ball until 8:50, an ice cream party for our team, and then some more dodge bedtime. 
Still haven't been able to get the videos uploaded but I will; although it might not be until we get home.  I'll try to compile a list of skill that the girls are doing and get them on here by Friday. 
Also, the bear showed up in camp this morning, Tricia had a VERY close encounter and might have some video of the bear that we can get on here.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Warrior Challenge

Sorry for the lack of updates about camp, we have been crazy busy between practice and the nice weather. We had another nice day so the girls spent a lot of time at the waterfront and other outside activities.  The girls have to attend afternoon open gym at least twice this week so that will be tomorrow and Thursday (and the weather is supposed to be a little worse anyway).  I'll take my computer to camp during that time and hopefully get some videos and pics uploaded.  Tonight after evening practice we had the camp-wide "Warrior Challenge."  We had a team of 11 of our girls, me, and two others compete in a ridiculously long difficult run with challenges that finished on the slip and slide into the lake and a swim under the dock.  We didn't win but we did great and just finishing was an accomplishment, especially for me. I think I'm going to give a prize to the girls that competed because it was so tough.  I'll have more info on this tomorrow (if I can move).

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday at Lake Owen

The first day went pretty well.  The girls just settled in and did a bunch of nothing while the parents and coaches had their meetings.  At 1:00 we had our VIP time with Mohini Bardwaj (2004 Olympian).  We were shown our banner that will hang in their gym and had our picture taken for their brochure.

Then we had check-in at 3pm, then dinner, then evaluations at 6pm.  The did what they are capable of for the most part.  The girls will get their groups tomorrow but at first glance they seem ok.  First workout is at 8:45am.  Also, Dakota wanted to stay in the dorms with the girls so that is where she is.  She is the smallest and youngest kid here.  We'll see how she does.  Not much else to report from today...tomorrow is when the fun/work starts!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lake Owen 2011 Arrival

We have successfully made it to Lake Owen Camp 2011 with twenty girls and one more will be here tomorrow.  I have no phone service and internet services isn't that fastest but I'll do my best to keep everyone updated.  Registration and group assignment begin tomorrow at 3pm.  Not much going on until then.  It is nice here but MUCH cooler than back home.  Most of us showed up in shorts and a light shirt or tank top and it is currently 46 degrees.  Tomorrow is going supposed to be 72 and sunny.