Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday at Lake Owen

The first day went pretty well.  The girls just settled in and did a bunch of nothing while the parents and coaches had their meetings.  At 1:00 we had our VIP time with Mohini Bardwaj (2004 Olympian).  We were shown our banner that will hang in their gym and had our picture taken for their brochure.

Then we had check-in at 3pm, then dinner, then evaluations at 6pm.  The did what they are capable of for the most part.  The girls will get their groups tomorrow but at first glance they seem ok.  First workout is at 8:45am.  Also, Dakota wanted to stay in the dorms with the girls so that is where she is.  She is the smallest and youngest kid here.  We'll see how she does.  Not much else to report from today...tomorrow is when the fun/work starts!

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