Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lake Owen: Day 1 Morning

Today is check-in day but the girls don't have their check-in until 2:30.  The girls and moms bunked with some girls and moms from South Dakota last night.  We also stayed across from their coach.  This morning was spent exploring the camp.  We took a peek at the gyms and the girls walked down to the waterfront.  Before lunch we gathered for a couple pics:

We had "brunch" for lunch; then the older girls got their cabin assignment for the week and went to get settled in.  At noon, they'll meet the recreation director to be entertained until check-in.  Also at noon, we have a coaches meeting and the moms begin having their meetings for their respective jobs.  This evening, the girls will head over to the gyms to get placed in their workout groups for the week.

Bear Update: Apparently this is first time in 9 years that anyone has seen a bear around the camp.  The bear and her cubs were seen again this morning and the ranger is here looking for her. 

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