Monday, June 7, 2010

Lake Owen: Day 2 Morning & Afternoon

The sun came out this morning and it was a little warmer than yesterday. 

For this morning's practice, Group 1 (Rylie, McKenna, Alyssa, & Kennedy) and Group 2 (Erika, Skyler, Ashley, & Jessie) had bars and vault.  Several of them got to personally interact with Courtney Kupets.  Riley got to work some Geinger drills with Courtney.  McKenna, Alyssa, & Kennedy all got to work some blinds on the channel bars.  They worked on fundamentals on vault. 

Group 4 (Kailey, Kacy & Autumn) and Group 5 (Breanna & McKenzie) had floor, beam and trampoline.  The had a pretty open workout to evaluate where they were.

After practice everyone had lunch and then headed down to the waterfront.  The water is extremely clear and it is a very pretty lake.  Everyone rode on the 6 person banana at least once.  Some of them managed to get dumped.  There was also a blob that a few of them got to try.  The water was only kind of cold but it was pretty cold when they got out, even thought the sun was out.  I put my trunks on but they couldn't convince me to get in as they all stood there shivering.

 Lori serving lunch :)

Ashley & Kennedy got to try the ropes course.  They were pretty brave but couldn't make it all the way through it. 
Ashley on the ropes course.

Kennedy falling from the ropes course

Since I've been in the bar gym, I've only got pictures from that gym on my camera but I will get as much as I can before the week is over.  Also, I have some videos, but I don't know if I'll be posting them on the blog this week.

Bear Update:  As of this morning the bear isn't in the camp, but they're expecting her back.

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