Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lake Owen Day 5 Morning & Afternoon

Today is Cowboy/Cowgirl day so many of the staffers wore cowboys hats and gear to practice this morning.  Courtney Kupets was on vault with her most over the top southern accent/slang all morning:

Courtney with Breanna

After morning practice and lunch, some of the girls got their faces painted:

Then with "encouragement" from us, all of the girls attended open gym with a few goals in mind.  During floor/beam today we had:

Alyssa, Mckenna and Kennedy did round-off full dismounts from beam into loose foam.
Skyler did handspring handspring series on the low fat beam by herself.
McKenzie did a backwalkover on high beam by herself.
Autumn & McKenzie both did backhandspring in the bungie belt on the high beam.
Rylie connected and made a switch-leap backtuck on the high beam.
Jessie did spotted backhandsprings on the high beam.
Kacy & McKenzie both did round-off backhandspring back tucks on the floor by themselves.
Breanna did a fronthandspring front flip into the pit.
Ashley did a full onto the resi.

Then, some of the girls got to do the bungie tramp.  It was pretty entertaining.  They were catapulted into the air and tried to do as many flips as possible.  The most I saw was Rylie do 4.  To get the full affect, you'd have to see the video.

Then the girls went to bar/vault open gym.  We didn't have near as much time, but some accomplishments were:

Kacy did flyaways.
McKenzie did flyaways.
Jessie did kip cast handstand clear-hips.
Kacy & McKenzie also did some more giants today.  (Kacy all the way to handstand)
Autumn did half-ons over the horse on 5.
Kennedy, Mckenna, Erika & Alyssa all flipped tsuks onto a resi.  Kennedy and McKenna both landed on their feet without a spot.

Bear Update: A new bigger, male bear showed up in camp today.  He hung out down by the dock all morning then made his way up to camp while the girls were getting their faces painted.  They made everyone go inside.  Some of the girls got to see him, but I didn't :(  He eventually left camp and everything went back to normal.

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